SQL Server GetUTCDate: A Comprehensive Guide : cybexhosting.net

Hello and welcome to this comprehensive guide on SQL Server’s GetUTCDate function. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this function, including its syntax, usage, best practices, and frequently asked questions. Whether you are a seasoned SQL Server developer or just starting out, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and tips to optimize your database performance and improve your overall workflow. So, let’s dive in!

What is SQL Server GetUTCDate?

SQL Server GetUTCDate is a built-in function that returns the current UTC date and time. UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time, which is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. This function is essential for applications that require precise and consistent time calculations across multiple time zones and countries. The GetUTCDate function is easy to use and can be called from any SQL Server query or stored procedure.


The syntax for SQL Server GetUTCDate is as follows:

Function Description
GetUTCDate() Returns the current UTC date and time in datetime format.

As you can see, the syntax for this function is straightforward. You only need to call the function without any parameters or arguments.


The usage of SQL Server GetUTCDate is quite simple. You can use this function in any SQL Server query or stored procedure that requires accurate time calculations across different time zones. For instance, if you have a database that operates globally, you can use the GetUTCDate function to timestamp all your transactions and activities with a consistent and reliable time reference. The GetUTCDate function is also handy for applications that require scheduling or time-based operations such as reminders, alarms, and notifications.

Let’s take a look at some practical examples of how to use SQL Server GetUTCDate in your queries:

Example 1: Select all the records from a table with a timestamp greater than the current UTC date.

WHERE timestamp > GetUTCDate()

Example 2: Insert a new record in a table with a timestamp equal to the current UTC date.

INSERT INTO myTable (id, name, timestamp)
VALUES (1, 'John', GetUTCDate())

Example 3: Update all the records in a table with a timestamp equal to the current UTC date.

UPDATE myTable
SET timestamp = GetUTCDate()

As you can see, the GetUTCDate function is easy to integrate into your SQL code and can provide accurate and consistent time references across your database.

Best Practices

Although SQL Server GetUTCDate is a simple and powerful function, there are a few best practices that you should keep in mind to ensure optimal performance and accuracy:

1. Use UTC Time for Timestamps

When you use SQL Server GetUTCDate, you are effectively creating a timestamp in UTC time. It is essential to ensure that all your timestamps are in UTC time and not local time. This practice will guarantee consistent and accurate time calculations across different time zones and countries.

2. Avoid Mixing UTC and Local Time

It is essential to maintain consistency between UTC and local time throughout your database. Mixing these two time zones can lead to confusion and errors, especially when dealing with time-based calculations and operations. Always use UTC time for timestamps and convert local time to UTC time before storing it in the database.

3. Use the Appropriate Data Type

When working with timestamps in SQL Server, it is crucial to use the appropriate data type. The datetime data type is suitable for storing dates and times up to precision of one three-hundredth of a second (equivalent to 3.33 milliseconds). However, if you require more precision, you can use the datetime2 or datetimeoffset data types, which provide higher accuracy and time zone awareness.

4. Keep Your Database Timezone Consistent

It is best practice to maintain a consistent timezone for your database across all your servers and applications. This practice will ensure that all your timestamps are synchronized and accurate, regardless of the server’s physical location or the user’s time zone. One way to achieve this consistency is to set the UTC timezone as the database’s default timezone.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between GetDate() and GetUTCDate()?

The main difference between GetDate() and GetUTCDate() is that GetDate() returns the current local date and time, whereas GetUTCDate() returns the current UTC date and time. It is essential to use the appropriate function depending on your application’s requirements and the consistency of your time-based data.

2. Can I customize the format of the GetUTCDate() output?

Yes, you can customize the format of the GetUTCDate() output using the CONVERT function. The CONVERT function allows you to convert a datetime data type to a specified style or format. Here’s an example:


In this example, we are using style 120, which represents the ODBC canonical timestamp format, to convert the datetime output to a string in the format of ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss’.

3. Can I use GetUTCDate() with other SQL Server date and time functions?

Yes, you can use GetUTCDate() in combination with other SQL Server date and time functions to perform complex time-based calculations and operations. For instance, you can use DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions to add or subtract a specific amount of time from a timestamp or calculate the time difference between two timestamps.

4. How can I convert UTC time to local time?

You can convert UTC time to local time using the DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions and the TIMEZONEOFFSET function. Here’s an example:


In this example, we are using the DATEDIFF function to calculate the time difference between the current UTC time and the current local time and the DATEADD function to add this time difference to the current UTC time. We are also using the TIMEZONEOFFSET function to retrieve the current time zone offset of the local time.

5. Is GetUTCDate() affected by daylight saving time changes?

No, GetUTCDate() is not affected by daylight saving time changes. UTC time is not subject to daylight saving time adjustments, which makes it an ideal time reference for global applications that need to take into account time differences and time zone changes.


SQL Server GetUTCDate is a crucial function for any application that requires precise and consistent time calculations across different time zones and countries. This function is easy to use, and it can be integrated into any SQL Server query or stored procedure. However, to ensure optimal performance and accuracy, it is essential to follow the best practices and guidelines outlined in this article. We hope that this comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable insights and tips that will help you improve your database performance and workflow.

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